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Thursday Morning Mosaic Collective

Thursday Mornings.  9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

$55. Per class, payable first of the month.
Instructor: Barbara Dybala
Mosaic artists meet on Thursday mornings to share ideas and create mosaics. Their exhibition, “My Mosaic Passion,” is shown on Mother’s Day in the Studio Gallery. After discussing your mosaic goals and expectations, this new ongoing class is by invitation. Please fill out the form below, and I will happily share the atmosphere of Thursday morning’s mosaic with you to see if it fits your needs.

Once you register, you will receive a list of tools to purchase before the first class. So don’t wait!

You supply your tools and any extra glass or tile you wish to incorporate into your mosaic. Students will benefit from being in a professional studio where they can see large-scale mosaics under construction.

Payment is for the month. Missed classes are non-refundable.

Start date: First Thursday of the month. Currently, four openings. 



Contemplative Mosaic Collective

Friday Morning

9:30 am to 12:30 pm

$55. Per class, payable first of the month.
Instructor: Barbara Dybala
Kathy at Hidden Mosaic
Advanced mosaic artists meet, share ideas, and create mosaics on Friday mornings. Their exhibition, “My Mosaic Passion,” is shown on Mother’s Day in the Studio Gallery. This ongoing class is sold out due to the long-standing group’s fellowship and love of making mosaics. But there is always a need for substitute artists. If you have taken the beginning mosaic class or have taken mosaic lessons, you may be a candidate for a substitution position. Please fill out the form below to be placed on the waitlist for Friday Mornings. [email protected]

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Please put me on the waitelist for the Friday Morning Mosaic Contemplative Group

    Hidden Mosaic as a Photoshoot Locale

    Hidden Mosaic is an extraordinary site for photoshoots requiring that certain environment.  Whether the call is for magazine spreads, wedding announcements, or advertising, Hidden Mosaic possesses a unique personality and a sweeping diversity of backdrops for the art director or photographer to choose from.